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Version: v0.17.2

Switch component

A component that evaluates whether specified conditions are met and directs the follow of execution accordingly.

A Switch component evaluates conditions based on the output of specific components, directing the flow of execution accordingly to enable complex branching logic.


A Switch component is essential for condition-based direction of execution flow. While it shares similarities with the Categorize component, which is also used in multi-pronged strategies, the key distinction lies in their approach: the evaluation of the Switch component is rule-based, whereas the Categorize component involves AI and uses an LLM for decision-making.


Case n

A Switch component must have at least one case, each with multiple specified conditions and only one downstream component. When multiple conditions are specified for a case, you must set the logical relationship between them to either AND or OR.

Next step

Specifies the downstream component of this case.

  • Once you specify the ID of the downstream component, a link is established between this case and the corresponding component.
  • If you manually link this case to a downstream component on the canvas, the ID of that component is auto-populated.


Evaluates whether the output of specific components meets certain conditions, with Component ID, Operator, and Value together forming a conditional expression.


When you have added multiple conditions for a specific case, a Logical operator field appears, requiring you to set the logical relationship between these conditions as either AND or OR. Image

  • Component ID: The ID of the corresponding component.
  • Operator: The operator required to form a conditional expression.
    • Equals
    • Not equal
    • Greater than
    • Greater equal
    • Less than
    • Less equal
    • Contains
    • Not contains
    • Starts with
    • Ends with
    • Is empty
    • Not empty
  • Value: A single value, which can be an integer, float, or string.
    • Delimiters, multiple values, or expressions are not supported.
    • Strings need not be wrapped in "" or ''.


Required. Specifies the downstream component if none of the conditions defined above are met.

Once you specify the ID of the downstream component, a link is established between ELSE and the corresponding component.