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Version: DEV

Launch the RAGFlow Service from Source

A guide explaining how to set up a RAGFlow service from its source code. By following this guide, you'll be able to debug using the source code.

Target Audience

Developers who have added new features or modified existing code and wish to debug using the source code, provided that their machine has the target deployment environment set up.


  • CPU ≥ 4 cores
  • RAM ≥ 16 GB
  • Disk ≥ 50 GB
  • Docker ≥ 24.0.0 & Docker Compose ≥ v2.26.1

If you have not installed Docker on your local machine (Windows, Mac, or Linux), see the Install Docker Engine guide.

Launch the Service from Source

To launch the RAGFlow service from source code:

Clone the RAGFlow Repository

git clone
cd ragflow/

Install Python dependencies

  1. Install Poetry:

    curl -sSL | python3 -
  2. Configure Poetry:

  3. Install Python dependencies:

    ~/.local/bin/poetry install --sync --no-root

    A virtual environment named .venv is created, and all Python dependencies are installed into the new environment.

Launch Third-party Services

The following command launches the 'base' services (MinIO, Elasticsearch, Redis, and MySQL) using Docker Compose:

docker compose -f docker/docker-compose-base.yml up -d

Update host and port Settings for Third-party Services

  1. Add the following line to /etc/hosts to resolve all hosts specified in docker/service_conf.yaml to       es01 mysql minio redis
  2. In docker/service_conf.yaml, update mysql port to 5455 and es port to 1200, as specified in docker/.env.

Launch the RAGFlow Backend Service

  1. Comment out the nginx line in docker/

    # /usr/sbin/nginx
  2. Activate the Python virtual environment:

    source .venv/bin/activate
    export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
  3. Optional: If you cannot access HuggingFace, set the HF_ENDPOINT environment variable to use a mirror site:

    export HF_ENDPOINT=
  4. Run the script to launch the backend service:

    bash docker/

Launch the RAGFlow frontend service

  1. Navigate to the web directory and install the frontend dependencies:

    cd web
    npm install --force
  2. Update in .umirc.ts to

    vim .umirc.ts
  3. Start up the RAGFlow frontend service:

    npm run dev 

    The following message appears, showing the IP address and port number of your frontend service:

Access the RAGFlow service

In your web browser, enter<PORT>/, ensuring the port number matches that shown in the screenshot above.

Stop the RAGFlow service when the development is done

  1. Stop the RAGFlow frontend service:

    pkill npm
  2. Stop the RAGFlow backend service:

    pkill -f "docker/"